How can you want something, dream about it but not put the effort into it ? you really think it’s going fall from the sky in your lap yeah what a dream …..💭 yeah sometimes it happens like that , but let’s be real here YOU gotta put the work in ! You gotta get the show started . how you want your life to change but you not taking the steps for change ? nobody can change your life for you it’s time to take responsibility for your life circumstances . If you don’t like something in you’r life and it’s able to be changed change. take the steps into changing your life i have read so many inspirational books & listened to many motivational speakers and had not one result I slowly developed the mindset that I wanted but I didn’t accomplish the things I wanted so I sat back to myself and thought I have the mindset but I don’t have what I want yet why is that?? the first thing I recommend to do is reflect. reflect on your life ask yourself did i accomplish things I wanna accomplish? Have I achieved all my goals I wrote down ? Now be honest with yourself have you really took any action steps that are going to get you to where you need to be ? really ask yourself these questions be completely honest.
9/10 whats holding you back is you .. you in your way of your success!! so my message today is if you want anything just go for it just do it . start to take the small actions that you need and discipline is going to get you to where you need to be discipline is probably the number one thing ! the definition of discipline is doing the things that you know you need to do even when you don’t want to do them!! when you hear the alarm clock get up don’t snooze get up !!you got to have discipline for success !! first find out what you want, find out the things you can do to achieve these things and most importantly believe!! you can have anything you want just take the action ! don’t get still or
comfortable express yourself love yourself except yourself right now . thank you guys for ready my loves always appreciate yall connecting with me ⭐️
